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New year goals for web development

Updated: Jan 29, 2022

With a new year upon I have taken the transition in trying to get into tech and below will list some of my goals for the year to come. So I can look back and see how much I have achieved.

🔹Continue studying, 10 hours a week min.

🔹Use other material like YouTube.

🔹Play games to help coding and remember.

🔹Reflect and revise.

🔹Establish consistent networking.

🔹Continue with #100daysofcode.

🔹Keep blogging.

🔹Keep networking on twitter account.

🔹Join more communities.

🔹Reach out to as many people for advice.

🔹Never doubt or lose faith.

🔹Most importantly believe In Allah.

🔹Remember why I started when things get hard.

Ready to achieve my tech goals this year👌🏾💪🏾

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